New Support Program for Transport Operators

The Government of Nuevo León launches a new program to support public transport operators, offering economic benefits and training. It aims to attract more operators with a weekly income of up to 4,500 pesos.

New Support Program for Transport Operators

The Government of the State of Nuevo León, in collaboration with urban transportation sector entrepreneurs, has launched the "Operator We Help You" program with the goal of providing significant benefits to public transportation operators in the region. Hernán Villarreal, Secretary of Mobility and Urban Planning, along with the director of Metrorrey, Abraham Vargas Molina, as well as transportation entrepreneurs and union leaders, highlighted the importance of these workers for the proper functioning of the service.

The program offers several significant benefits for the families of the operators, such as free rides for up to two children, preferential access to state educational institutions, scholarships for their children, free glasses and eye exams, prizes and bonuses, support in cases of licenses retained due to non-driver related fines, and the possibility of receiving sanctions only after the third preventive warning.

Additionally, there will be support from nurseries, and interested parties are invited to participate as transportation operators in the "Join Muevoleón" program. Villarreal pointed out that new operators could earn a weekly income between 4,000 and 4,500 pesos, receive paid training, and assistance in obtaining the special urban transport license. He also highlighted the inclusion of female operators in the Caregivers or Heads of Household Support Program, which offers monthly support of 800 pesos, while operators' partners will have access to the same programs.

To join the program as an operator, the number 070 has been activated, and applications can be made at the Citizen Pavilion, located in Parque Niños Héroes or in San Bernabé. It is important to note that in Nuevo León, the aim is to support public transportation operators and they are invited to join the "Join Muevoleón" program to enjoy the mentioned benefits.