Santas Alitas Plans 30 Locations by 2025 in Monterrey

Santas Alitas aims to open 30 franchises nationwide by 2025, beginning with Monterrey. The restaurant chain, known for wings and beer, is expanding rapidly after receiving a franchise certification from AMF, strengthening its market presence.

Santas Alitas Plans 30 Locations by 2025 in Monterrey

The company Santas Alitas has ambitious plans for the future, projecting the opening of around 30 franchises nationwide by 2025, with the first one in the city of Monterrey. According to Hugo Magaña, the president of the company's board, the Monterrey market is very important in their expansion plan, as it is one of the most significant cities in Mexico, and they could open at least 20 branches there.

Santas Alitas, founded 13 years ago in Guadalajara, has become one of the most successful franchises in the country, noted for its profitable and reliable business model based on wings, beer, and snacks such as French fries and boneless wings. The certification granted by the Mexican Franchise Association supports the quality, operation, and service that the chain has maintained since its beginnings, guaranteeing investors a safe and profitable business model.

Currently, the company has 95 branches and plans to reach 100 by the end of 2024. Its expansion strategy focuses on continuous improvement and close collaboration with its franchisees, whom they consider part of the Santas Alitas family. The commitment to the franchise model is so strong that the board president is actively involved in various initiatives related to the sector.

On the other hand, DEACERO has received the ISO 14001 certification from NYCE for the successful implementation of its Environmental Management System in six of its plants, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility in all its operations. The certification involves a comprehensive review of processes to minimize environmental impact and to comply with relevant regulations.

In a different context, Alfa, after spinning off Alpek and Axtel, is exploring new income avenues with potential for disruptive growth, which has sparked speculation about a possible acquisition of the iconic American company Oscar Mayer. With Sigma as its core business, Alfa may be interested in this brand famous for its meat products, which is currently up for sale by Kraft Heinz. This strategic move could mean a significant investment between 3 and 5 billion dollars for Alfa.

The market will be watching closely for the upcoming moves of these companies that seek to expand, diversify their operations, and maintain standards of quality and excellence in their respective sectors.