Nuevo Leon Advocates for Changes in Gasoline Regulations

The Environment Secretary of Nuevo Leon seeks to modify Standard 016 to limit the sulfur content in gasoline in Monterrey. This is part of an effort to reduce air pollution and improve air quality.

Nuevo Leon Advocates for Changes in Gasoline Regulations

The Secretariat of the Environment of Nuevo León aims to request a modification to Standard 016 that prohibits the use of gasoline with more than 2% sulfur in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, according to Alfonso Martínez, head of the agency.

The Citizen Observatory for Air Quality revealed that the fuel distributed in the state contains up to 154% more volatile organic compounds than that supplied in other regions of Mexico, including Mexico City. "We will be making recommendations to implement it (the standard) as in Mexico City," said the official.

Various voices have pointed out that the quality of gasoline used in Nuevo León is poor, becoming one of the main polluting agents due to the large number of vehicles in circulation. The Observatory reported that "low-quality gasoline evaporates more than previously thought, which increases exposure to ozone."

In addition to gasoline, companies are also pointed out as sources of pollution. However, Martínez highlighted good news on this matter by mentioning: "There is enough natural gas in Monterrey, and the switch from gasoline to gas can be easily made." He explained that companies could adapt their boilers or burners to use natural gas, which would help reduce pollution.

The state official emphasized that, for the first time, the state and federal government are working together to tackle pollution. He highlighted the importance of collaboration between both parties and the municipalities in the fight against this problem. He also mentioned that the attorney general's office has played a crucial role in reducing air pollution.