In the last four years, Chignahuapan, Tecamachalco, and Acatlán have been the municipalities in Puebla where the highest number of police officers killed have been recorded, according to the organization Causa en Común. During the year 2020, 15 cases were reported in different municipalities, with Chignahuapan, Ajalpan, Cañada Morelos, Amozoc, Izúcar de Matamoros, Tehuacán, and San Martín Texmelucan being the most affected. Of these cases, 11 were municipal police, two state police, one military, and one agent of the National Guard. Two women among the victims were also identified, Teodora and Erika N.
In the following year, 2021, 14 police officers were counted as killed, with six municipal and eight state victims. The municipalities of Tecamachalco, Jolalpan-Tlaucingo, Puebla, San Felipe Teotlalcingo, Cholula, Huejotzingo, Xicotepec, and Teopantlán were the scenes of these crimes. In 2022, 13 cases were recorded, with the majority of victims being municipal police officers. During the year 2023, six police officers, mostly in the Puebla capital and surrounding areas, were killed, including one member of the National Guard.
In the year 2024, 13 police officers were reported killed, mainly in municipalities such as Chignahuapan, Atlixco, Amozoc, and Chiautla de Tapia, with seven of them being municipal and six state police. In total, from 2020 to 2024, Puebla has recorded 61 police officers killed in the line of duty, with the majority of victims being municipal police. Although the count for the year 2025 has not yet begun, two members of the Citizen Security Secretariat were killed on March 1 in the Del Valle neighborhood of the municipality of Puebla while they were aboard a patrol.