In the course of 2024, a total of 39 companies in the state of Querétaro have been sanctioned for failing to comply with the regulations of the Urban Code and the Environmental Code of the entity, according to Marco Del Prete, head of the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (Sedesu).
The sanctions have primarily been applied for irregularities in environmental impact, emissions to the atmosphere, material banks, shooting ranges, final waste disposal sites, verification centers, and noise emissions. So far this year, Sedesu and the State Attorney for Environmental Protection and Urban Development have received 770 complaints about companies with alleged environmental violations, mostly concentrated in the municipalities of Querétaro, San Juan del Río, Corregidora, El Marqués, and Colón.
Of the complaints received, 451 were addressed by state authorities, while 319 were referred to the competent authorities. Marco Del Prete highlighted the importance of citizens being informed in real time and accurately about the air quality they breathe, especially in an area with high vehicular traffic and industrial presence.
Throughout the year, 1,902 inspection visits were conducted to industries from various sectors, such as real estate, construction, and manufacturing. The failure to comply with the regulations of the Urban Code and the Environmental Code was the most common issue, as well as omissions in requirements such as induction forms for manufacturing companies and inadequate measurements in emissions, waste, and discharges.
Additionally, the installation of an environmental monitoring unit was announced at the lighthouse being constructed by the Secretariat of Urban Development and Public Works on Paseo 5 de Febrero at the height of Femsa. This device, with an estimated cost of one million pesos, is expected to be operational before the end of the year after the corresponding bidding process.