Since 2021, the opposition in Congress has lost presence and relevance. In contrast to two years ago, when representatives from different political parties were even invited to events, now the cancellation of invitations seems to be a common practice, reserving the places of honor exclusively for supporters of the current regime. This change in dynamics was recently evidenced at an event where the presence of the former president was ignored by the president in a clear display of disdain.
Two years ago, Minister Norma Piña was inaugurated as president of the Supreme Court, being the first woman to hold this position. Her presence at patriotic events generated controversy and seems to have marked the beginning of a conflict that has now reached its peak. Although the current president's gesture towards her was not the only one, it reveals a background of resentment that has been brewing over time.
It is important to remember that two years ago, the presence of various political colors at the same event was a sign of diversity and inclusion. However, currently, the differences appear to have deepened and the positions have become more polarized. Piña's uninvitation can be interpreted as a symbolic gesture that reflects the division and bias in the exercise of power.
The explanation given by the president, for not inviting Piña despite having greeted her earlier, seems to reveal her position as an interpreter of the Constitution and the highest authority in decision-making. This attitude, which evidences clear partisanship, contrasts with the transparency and clarity that is attempted to be projected in the exercise of judicial power. The cancellation of Piña's attendance at this event appears to be the result of a long process of misunderstandings and political differences.
The passage of years has made evident the transformations in the political scene, from gestures of courtesy and respect among different actors to divisions and open confrontations. The current president, by flaunting her power and discretion in selecting guests, shows a biased stance that contrasts with the impartiality and transparency that should characterize the judicial power. The evolution of events points to an uncertain future full of challenges for the country.