New Units Established in Querétaro's Attorney General Office

The Querétaro Attorney General's Office will establish new units for gender violence and specialized training. This aims to strengthen public safety services in the region amid growing demands for better response and resources.

New Units Established in Querétaro's Attorney General Office

The Attorney General's Office of the state of Querétaro will implement significant changes, such as the creation of the vice attorney's office for training and education, the specialized office for gender-based violence, and the unit for high-impact crimes. The approval of these new units was made in the Commission of Administration and Justice at the local Congress with the purpose of strengthening this autonomous organization.

Guillermo Vega Guerrero, president of the Attorney's Office, explained that these modifications will allow for an increase in the personnel of investigative police, prosecutors, and experts, as part of the current and future development plans to improve the service provided. Vega Guerrero commented: "These are reforms to the Organic Law of the state's attorney's office, basically what is approved is the creation of a vice attorney's office for training and education, and it is very important for the institution to be able to expand its ranks."

Despite the limitations imposed by the Law for the Management of Public Resources, which stipulates a maximum annual payroll growth of 5%, a parallel increase in infrastructure and capabilities is expected to optimize attention and response to citizens, considering the rapid growth of the capital and the state. In the words of Vega Guerrero: "What the prosecutor seeks is to attract talent, young people or individuals with a degree in criminology, lawyers, and others to join the ranks of the attorney's office and to grow at a much faster pace and provide better service."

Although the start date for the operations of the new units was not specified, it was noted that the legislature should analyze the possibility of allocating a larger budget, given that, despite exceeding one billion pesos, an annual growth of more than 10% is expected. Additionally, there was a deeper discussion on the modification related to substantive equality, which includes the creation of the unit on gender violence, under the direction of accusation. Another relevant modification is the integration of Margarita Luna, in her current position as deputy attorney for human rights, as the technical secretary in the council.