Politics Local November 14, 2024

Morena in the State of Mexico: New Strategies and Challenges

Morena leaders, Luisa María Alcalde and Andy López Beltrán, aim to affiliate 10 million people, prioritizing renewal in Edomex due to the decrease of Higinio Martínez.

Morena in the State of Mexico: New Strategies and Challenges

Morena leaders Luisa María Alcalde and Andy López Beltrán are seeking to recruit 10 million people into Morena, prioritizing the State of Mexico as a key recruitment point. The renewal of the state leadership has been postponed until Saturday, November 30, and the struggle for control of the mexiquense presidency is once again centered on Senator Higinio Martínez.

With the arrival of Delfina Gómez as governor and the weakening of the PRI in the region, the power of the 4T has been distributed into three blocks: the one led by the Secretary of Government, Horacio Duarte; the second block is headed by the Morena coordinator in the Edomex congress, Paco Vázquez; and the third block is made up of Higinio Martínez.

Higinio Martínez has seen his influence diminish in front of President López Obrador, who reproaches him for his opposition to the construction of the "Felipe Ángeles" International Airport in 2019 and has taken away his structure and even some key members, such as Delfina Gómez.

In this scenario, the morenismo of Luisa María Alcalde and Andy López Beltrán once again challenges Higinio to abide by the decisions of the party's leadership. Higinio promised to maintain control of the party in the state, despite the plans of the new national leadership of Morena, which seem to have overlooked him.

The internal tensions in Morena Edomex are becoming evident, and the boos received by Higinio last October, as well as his dispute with Mayor Daniel Serrano, are proof of this. Furthermore, Higinio's complaint about the vote in favor of Rosario Piedra Ibarra in the CNDH reelection must also be understood in this context, recalling the massacre that occurred in Cuautitlán Izcalli, where Serrano is the mayor.