Criminal leader arrested in Veracruz

Luis 'N', alias 'El Conejo', leader of the criminal organization 'Los 300', was arrested in Veracruz following an arrest warrant for homicide and other crimes. His organization has been involved in extortions and blockades.

Criminal leader arrested in Veracruz

Luis "N", also known as "El Conejo", was detained in Veracruz by Mexican authorities. He is accused of being the alleged leader of the criminal organization "Unión 300" or "Los 300". The Attorney General's Office of the State of Mexico has identified "El Conejo" with active arrest warrants for homicide and extortion. His possible links to municipal authorities in Ecatepec and Cuautitlán are under investigation, as well as other crimes such as robbery, concealment, attacks on communication routes, firearm discharge, and injuries.

Information indicates that the organization "Los 300" resorts to roadblocks on state and federal avenues and highways through its members and affiliated groups like "Los Conejitos" to pressure authorities and hinder operations against them. Luis "N" was considered a priority target for the Attorney General's Office of the State of Mexico. After his capture, he was transferred to the State of Mexico, where he was certified at the state's Attorney General's facilities and subsequently sent to a state prison at the disposal of the Judicial Authority to determine his legal situation.

The detention of "El Conejo" was carried out in coordination with the Secretariat of National Defense, the National Guard, and the Attorney General's Office of Veracruz. According to investigations, he and his criminal group are linked to various crimes, including extortion of transporters, merchants, and entrepreneurs, as well as dispossession and damage to private property. It is important to remember that Luis "N" should be considered innocent until there is a conviction against him.