New initiative to support unemployed youth

The Senate of Mexico has approved an addition to the Constitution to establish financial support for unemployed youth, aiming to improve their job placement.

New initiative to support unemployed youth

The Young People Building the Future Program has been included in the Constitution of Mexico, after long decades in which this sector of the population was not a priority in government policies. Aiming to provide monthly economic support to unemployed youth aged between 18 and 29, the program seeks to train them for a period of up to 12 months for their labor insertion.

In many cases, similar programs in other countries have shown that combining economic support with certified training and personalized guidance is beneficial and prevents young people from falling back into unemployment. However, the mere existence of the program in the Constitution does not solve the structural challenges of youth employability.

It is essential to invest in evaluation mechanisms to measure the effectiveness of the program in labor insertion, as well as to strengthen it with initiatives that promote educational linking and real economic development. Without a solid economic policy that promotes the creation of decent jobs, the program risks becoming a short-term palliative that does not address the structural root of youth unemployment.

The proposal to add the Young People Building the Future Program to the Constitution originated in February 2024, and was finally approved by the United Commissions of Constitutional Points and Legislative Studies of the Senate Chamber. Its constitutional inclusion is an important step, but an integrated approach is required to ensure the quality of learning, placement in formal jobs, and job retention of the beneficiaries.

The lack of connection of the program with the educational system and the absence of clear strategies for the reintegration of young people into quality training could limit their opportunities for meaningful labor insertion. It is essential that support for young people is linked to an ecosystem of opportunities that promotes their sustained and real development over time.