Serious Situation in Teuchitlán: Revelations from Searcher Warriors

Indira Navarro from the Jalisco Searcher Warriors collective exposes the urgency of decisive actions by the authorities following discoveries on a ranch in Teuchitlán, where forced recruitments and other violences occur. Evidence of criminal practices and collusion with local authorities was found.

Serious Situation in Teuchitlán: Revelations from Searcher Warriors

Indira Navarro, leader of the collective Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco, provided details about the operation of the Izaguirre ranch, used for the training and extermination of people. During her intervention, Navarro emphasized the urgency for authorities to take decisive actions to eradicate these practices and prevent more young people from becoming victims of these criminal groups.

Navarro mentioned that they received an anonymous call that led them to the ranch in Teuchitlán, Jalisco, where they discovered clandestine ovens, objects, and clothing belonging to individuals presumably recruited involuntarily. Additionally, a young woman who managed to escape captivity revealed details about the practices at the site and the alleged collusion of local authorities.

The young woman described how the kidnappers forced the recruits to fight for food, subjected them to forced labor, and imposed brutal punishments. Clothing from individuals was also found at the site, evidence of violent practices, and testimonies pointing to the conduct of medical experiments and organ sales.

Despite the initial efforts of the collective, local authorities initially found no evidence of the crimes at the ranch. However, after a second intervention, the prosecution took over the case. Navarro insisted that authorities have lied about what really happens at that location and highlighted the need to remember these atrocious events to bring visibility to what is truly occurring.