Controversial Remarks Ignite Celebrity Feud

In a fiery media encounter, actress Ofelia Cano criticized fellow star Olivia Collins, sparking discussions on personal attacks and family dynamics, especially surrounding the late singer Dulce's legacy.

Controversial Remarks Ignite Celebrity Feud

In a meeting with the media, the renowned soap opera actress launched harsh criticisms at a colleague, stating: "Her brain mass is very impoverished, she has no brain weight, she has 'shit' in her head, she doesn't think and what she thinks is to attack." She also made comments about the other actress's physical appearance.

Olivia Collins, a friend of Maribel Guardia, has intervened several times to speak about the custody situation of José Julián Figueroa, son of Imelda Tuñón. This has not been the only occasion she has expressed her opinion on family situations or related to colleagues. For example, after the death of Dulce, the singer, she said certain things that created controversy.

In another episode, Ofelia Cano leaked some audios that generated comments about the relationship between Romina, daughter of the interpreter of "Tu muñeca" and "Déjame volver contigo," and her mother. This sparked anger among Dulce's followers, who recently passed away. Certain media began to speculate about alleged mistreatment by the daughter towards the mother, leading to discussions among fans and colleagues.

Olivia Collins came to the defense of Dulce's daughter, accusing Ofelia Cano of provoking discord in the family of the late singer. In response, Cano strongly attacked Collins, challenging her to hit her and severely criticizing her. So far, Olivia Collins has not responded to these attacks, but it seems that the controversy will continue.