Mothers Demand Justice for Disappeared in Acapulco

In Acapulco, mothers of the disappeared continue their search for justice, demanding the approval of the General Law on Forced Disappearance. Activist Socorro Gil confronts local legislators, highlighting their inaction and the struggle of families affected by disappearance cases.

Mothers Demand Justice for Disappeared in Acapulco

Mothers of missing persons in Guerrero are conducting search efforts in the hills of the region, using tools such as rods, shovels, and picks, and organizing monthly demonstrations in Acapulco and Chilpancingo to raise awareness about this issue. In a recent meeting with the local MP from Morena, Araceli Ocampo Manzanares, at the local Congress, they demanded the approval of the General Law on Forced Disappearance of Persons and criticized the lack of government support.

Socorro Gil Guzmán, a searching mother and leader of the Collective Memory, Truth, and Justice Acapulco, burst into the plenary hall of the Local Congress with a photo of her son who has been missing for 6 years, demanding the approval of the aforementioned law. She stated that despite limited resources, they have to go out and collect funds to finance the searches for their missing relatives.

Guzmán questioned the legislators for not approving the General Victims Law and for not allocating resources for search efforts. She criticized the lack of commitment from government representatives towards the more than 4,000 families affected by disappearances in the state, demanding legislation that guarantees comprehensive compensation for the damage to the relatives of the disappeared.

The searching mother recounted to the legislators the disappearance of her son in 2018 in Acapulco, reporting that he was arrested by the police but never arrived at the detention center, and that the evidence of his detention mysteriously disappeared. Additionally, she pointed out the lack of timely delivery of financial support from the state government to the families of the disappeared, highlighting the insufficiency of the allocated amounts.