Coppel Plans Major Investment Amid Economic Challenges

Coppel, Mexico's largest private retailer, plans to invest 14.2 billion pesos by 2025 to open 100 new stores and enhance online services. This comes amid economic and security challenges in Culiacán.

Coppel Plans Major Investment Amid Economic Challenges

Grupo Coppel, the largest private retailer in Mexico, plans to invest 14.2 billion pesos in the country for the year 2025. More than 60 percent of this investment will be allocated to finance 100 new stores and the renovation of another 66 locations. The company is focusing on attracting low-income shoppers by offering them the possibility to acquire products such as furniture and iPhones on credit with interest rates of up to 90 percent.

In an interview with Agustín Coppel Luken, CEO of Grupo Coppel, the company's expansion plans, digital strategy, and the impact of the recent security crisis in Sinaloa, where the company originated, were discussed. Coppel commented on their interest in e-commerce and how they seek to offer an omnichannel experience to their customers.

Regarding competition in the sector, Coppel acknowledged the strength of platforms like Mercado Libre and Amazon but stated that they have not needed to rely on them so far. He also mentioned the challenges they face in Argentina due to the complicated economic context of the country, as well as the difficulties they have encountered in Culiacán due to the security crisis.

Coppel emphasized the importance of transparency, competition, and regulation in the markets, as well as the need to invest in technology and improve customer experience. The company is focused on modernizing its banking and e-commerce infrastructure with the goal of providing better service to its customers.

Regarding possible acquisitions, Coppel mentioned the purchase of 20 percent of Hágalo last year and expressed his willingness to evaluate acquisition opportunities in the future. Concerning the political and economic situation, Coppel highlighted the importance of free markets and compliance with international financial regulations to maintain legality in all its operations.

In conclusion, Grupo Coppel maintains its position of continuing to be a private company focused on meeting the needs of its customers through both physical and digital business strategies. The planned investment and focus on technological innovation are key pillars for its future growth.