Transporters' Blockades Affect Ecatepec

Transporters from Zimapán, Hidalgo, blocked routes in the State of Mexico, causing traffic chaos and delays in the Mexibús service. The police of Ecatepec intervenes to assist the community.

Transporters' Blockades Affect Ecatepec

The police of Ecatepec has mobilized to assist the community in the face of blockades generated by transporters from Zimapán, Hidalgo. These protests have paralyzed various roads in the State of Mexico and Mexico City, causing significant traffic chaos and affecting thousands of people.

The transporters demand the arrest of an alleged rapist in their hometown, which has triggered this demonstration. The most affected routes by the blockades include the Mexico-Pachuca highway, the Lechería-Texcoco road, Central Avenue in front of the Mexipuerto of the Mexibús Line 1, and the Mexiquense Outer Circuit in the municipalities of Ecatepec, Tlalnepantla, and Tecámac.

Additionally, another group of protesters is reportedly slowly advancing on the Mexico-Pachuca highway towards the capital of the country. This has caused severe delays in the Mexibús service on lines 1 and 4, as well as a traffic collapse in the area.

In response to this situation, the municipal police of Ecatepec has implemented an operation to assist in transporting students, workers, and merchants in patrol cars and corporation trucks, aiming to minimize the impact of the protest on local mobility. The General Directorate of Citizen Safety and Municipal Transit of Ecatepec has communicated its support through social media and informed about the points where assistance is provided.

In the words of the security authorities of Ecatepec: "In response to the blockades by transporters in Zimapán, Hidalgo, which have affected our locality, the municipal police of Ecatepec is here to help. On Avenida Central, Vía Morelos, and Vía José López Portillo, they are assisting in transporting people to their destinations in patrol cars and corporation trucks."