Tense Incident in Ecatepec Over Refusal to Pay

A man created a scandal on public transport in Ecatepec after refusing to pay the fare, which led to threats against the driver. The situation escalated quickly with allegations of kidnapping and political pressures.

Tense Incident in Ecatepec Over Refusal to Pay

In Ecatepec, State of Mexico, a tense and curious incident was recorded on public transport when a man refused to pay the fare, triggering a series of threats and a major scandal on board. Upon boarding the van, the passenger ignored the driver and refused to pay the fare, with no reports of 'kidnapping' against the driver.

The initial disagreement over the fare took an unexpected turn when the passenger, detained inside the vehicle, resorted to threats to try to secure his release. He even mentioned that he would contact a congresswoman to intervene on his behalf as a last resort in the situation. Despite the pressure, the driver remained calm and stood firm in his position.

Amid the tension, the driver finally released the man with a peculiar phrase: 'Open up like a chicken.' In front of the cameras, the user accused the driver of kidnapping, while the driver urged him to pay his fare and threatened to sue him. The passenger's detention inside the vehicle continued until the driver finally managed to get the man to pay the outstanding fare.