Feminist Marches for International Women's Day

Guadalajara is preparing for International Women's Day with two feminist marches. Both will take place on March 8, focusing on the visibility of gender issues. A large participation and cultural activities in the city are expected.

Feminist Marches for International Women's Day

On the occasion of International Women's Day celebrated every March 8th, Guadalajara is preparing to witness two feminist marches in the city center, each with its own ideologies but with the same objective: to make gender issues visible.

The first march is organized by the Jalisco Feminist Front and has a separatist focus, admitting only biological women. They will meet at the Glorieta de las y los Desaparecidos at 3:00 PM to start the procession at 4:30 PM. The route will follow Avenida Chapultepec, to Avenida Vallarta, continuing on Vallarta-Juárez towards Avenida 16 de Septiembre and ending at the Antimonumenta.

The second march, called "YoVoy8M", will consist of various collectives and will have a peaceful character, allowing anyone, regardless of sex, gender, or age, to join. The meeting point is at the Glorieta de la Minerva at 4:30 PM, departing towards the Plaza de la Liberación at 5:00 PM. The route will include Avenida Vallarta-Juárez, Avenida Hidalgo, and the Plaza Liberación.

In addition to the marches, several activities will take place in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara in commemoration of 8M. There will be literary events, artistic performances such as "Bodies that Bloom in Resistance" and musical presentations, including the rock band "Danza Mostro" made up exclusively of women.

The United Nations (UN) officially recognized International Women's Day in 1975. Data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) reveal that in Mexico in 2022, there were 966 registered femicide victims, highlighting the persistent problem of gender violence in the country, where it is estimated that 10 women are victims of femicide daily.