Actress Cynthia Klitbo recently revealed that she had to be hospitalized emergency after suffering a bite from a poisonous spider while filming at a location in Guadalajara. Initially, Cynthia was unaware of the type of species it was, but later the doctor informed her that it was a black widow, whose venom contains toxic chemical substances that can cause adverse symptoms in people.
Upon realizing the seriousness of the situation, Cynthia Klitbo expressed her surprise and mentioned the importance of receiving early medical attention. According to the actress, the doctor warned her that if she hadn't gone to get the antidote in time, the consequences could have been fatal.
After being hospitalized, Cynthia Klitbo shared on her social media that timely care was crucial, as otherwise the situation could have had a tragic outcome. Despite the concern generated by the incident, the actress also resorted to humor by mentioning that she was considering getting a "cleansing" due to the difficulties she has faced in recent months.
After being a victim of fraud that left her in a financial crisis, Cynthia Klitbo had expressed her willingness to seek other sources of income. However, she recently shared that she has managed to secure some projects in productions. After receiving the necessary treatment, the actress informed her followers that she was doing well and thanked them for their support.
According to data from MedlinePlus, symptoms of a black widow bite may include swelling, redness, muscle pain, anxiety, difficulty breathing, headache, among others. In the case of such a bite, it is essential to seek emergency medical attention, avoiding any attempt at home treatment, as the actress highlighted after her experience.