Máximo Bravo Collects Signatures for Justice

Máximo Bravo, a 15-year-old boy, reports abuse by his mother and seeks signatures for the rector of the University of Guadalajara to listen to him. He asks for justice and the cancellation of his mother's candidacy.

Máximo Bravo Collects Signatures for Justice

Máximo Bravo, a 15-year-old youth, has started collecting signatures on Change.org to ensure that his report of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse against his mother reaches the rector of the University of Guadalajara, Ricardo Villanueva. In a video published on his social networks, Máximo mentioned that his mother managed to gather 3,000 signatures to get the attention of the current rector.

"I believe we are capable of gathering more than 3,000 signatures for me to be heard and for the sexual abuse my mom did to me not to go unpunished. I ask for your support, please with those signatures," expressed the minor. In his petition, he requests that Villanueva meet with him, listen to him, and address his requests under the hashtag #JusticiaparaMaximo.

Máximo recounts in the Change.org petition that on November 4, he held a press conference to publicize the abuses he suffered from his mother, Leticia Leal Moya, who is an influential person in Jalisco and currently the rector of the University Center of Tlajomulco at the University of Guadalajara.

The young man mentions that his mother tried to silence him by sending her lawyers to intimidate him and his father. Leticia Leal Moya, according to Máximo, spread lies about him and his father to publicly discredit them. Additionally, she managed to have his father fired from his position as a research teacher at the University of Guadalajara.

In his petition, Máximo Bravo requests three things: that his mother's candidacy for General Rector of the University of Guadalajara be canceled due to the abuses she committed, that his father be reinstated to his job at the same educational institution, and that Rector Ricardo Villanueva personally meet with him to listen to him and speak out against child sexual abuse.