Abuse allegations in gymnastics shock Guadalupe

Former athletes have accused coach Rubén Torres Dávila of abuse at the Cedereg Gym, sparking a growing number of testimonies on social media.

Abuse allegations in gymnastics shock Guadalupe

By Tuesday noon, eight reports of abuse had already been filed. One of the complainants, Joenia Elizabeth, shared her testimony about her gymnastics coach, whom she decided to speak about after seeing other accusations. In her account, she mentions that in her childhood she was abused by her gymnastics coach, whose name she initially only remembered as Rubén, and later identified as Rubén Torres Dávila. The events occurred at the Cedereg Gym in Guadalupe.

Joenía Elizabeth expressed her surprise upon discovering that her abuser is still teaching gymnastics, which causes her deep outrage and helplessness when thinking about the girls currently under his care. The young woman confessed that she had never revealed what happened to her family, due to previous experiences of abuse and internal emotional pressures. Now, she decided to break the silence and apologized to her loved ones for having remained silent for so long.

This testimony adds to other reports of abuse shared on social media, where other women have shared similar experiences. Joenia Elizabeth described situations of verbal violence from her coach, who constantly scolded her and prevented her from distracting herself during classes. The coach was eventually fired from the gym, but the victim regrets not having spoken up sooner.

In another case, a former athlete reported on Facebook that she was a victim of sexual abuse during her gymnastics training. Despite the difficulties and the silence, these brave women have decided to raise their voices to stop the abuses in the world of sports.