Guanajuato Invests 621.2 Million Pesos in Roads

The Guanajuato government will allocate 621.2 million pesos in 2025 for road maintenance and conservation, improving state infrastructure and attracting investment.

Guanajuato Invests 621.2 Million Pesos in Roads

The Government of Guanajuato plans to allocate 621.2 million pesos in 2025 for the maintenance and conservation of its state road network, according to the announcement by the Secretariat of Public Works (SOP). The head of SOP, Juan Pablo Pérez Beltrán, highlighted that Guanajuato is the only entity in Mexico that has a Pavement Management System (PMS), which allows for precise evaluation of the condition of the roads and objective prioritization of interventions.

In this regard, Pérez Beltrán explained: "We are an entity that works with this system of international standards, through which damages and deterioration present in the pavements of the state network are determined; with this information, we can make precise decisions when defining the Annual Road Conservation Program, which includes routine and periodic maintenance, rehabilitation, the bridge management system, and slope stabilization and attention."

Currently, of the 2,857 kilometers that make up the state road network, 86.47% are in very good or acceptable conditions, according to the International Roughness Index (IRI), an indicator supported by the World Bank that evaluates comfort and road safety. Pérez Beltrán emphasized the importance of maintaining roads in good condition, not only to provide comfort and safety to users but also to position Guanajuato as an attractive investment hub, connecting the industrial area of the state with tourist destinations and industrial parks like San Miguel de Allende.