Excessive Fireworks Impact Air Quality in León

In León, excessive illegal fireworks during religious celebrations on October 28 have led to serious air quality degradation. Monitoring stations reported poor air quality throughout the day, prompting authorities to advise against outdoor activities.

Excessive Fireworks Impact Air Quality in León

During religious celebrations such as October 28th or November 12th in León, there are no restrictions on the use of fireworks, unlike on other dates. From January to September, the Public Security Secretariat confiscated 76 kilograms of fireworks. The T-21 station, up to October 29th, maintained a classification that led authorities to recommend avoiding outdoor activities and reducing car use.

In religious festivities, regulations regarding the use of fireworks are scarce. Municipal operations to restrict these devices are only carried out during patriotic holidays in September, with no arrests or administrative reports being reported. The use of fireworks was constant from midnight on Monday, extending throughout the day, which impacted air quality; by midday Monday, the stations at the Faculty of Medicine and Ciceg reported poor air quality.

No requests were received for the recent religious festivities, suggesting that all fireworks detonations in urban and rural areas were illegal. Reports from the air quality monitoring station of the Environment Secretariat revealed a significant negative impact, classifying the air quality as poor in León. The city has three monitoring points: Faculty of Medicine, Ciceg, and T-21.

For the legal burning of fireworks, a permit is required, managed by Civil Protection under the supervision of Sedena, with the application submitted 15 days prior to the event. The religious celebrations in honor of Saint Jude Thaddeus on October 28th caused a serious degradation of air quality in León due to the excessive and illegal use of fireworks.