The Municipal Government of León has proposed the creation of a new regulation for the DIF System and a reform of the regulations related to the prevention of violence and citizen participation in the safety of the municipality. To achieve this, a public consultation will be held through online platforms and official social networks, with the aim of involving various sectors of society, including activists, civil organizations, and specialists, in the development of the normative bases for these initiatives.
The objective of this proposal is to strengthen the DIF León system and promote community participation in decisions related to public safety. In this sense, there has been a call for citizen participation in the creation of the regulation for the System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family (DIF) and for the reforms in the regulations on the Prevention of Violence and Citizen Participation in Public Safety. This measure seeks to ensure that public policies are in tune with the demands and needs of the community.
During the session of the United Commissions of Social Development and Public Safety, the City Council presented the initiatives that will be subject to public consultation. Through these consultations, citizens will have the opportunity to present their proposals and comments to help improve services and safety in the city. The mayor, Ale Gutiérrez, has called for active participation from the residents of León in decisions that will affect the operation of the DIF and public safety policies.
Digital platforms will be enabled to receive observations and suggestions from residents, specialists, and civil organizations. The consultation aims not only to improve DIF services but also to give greater weight to the voices of citizens in public policy decision-making related to safety. In a context of growing interest in safety in the city, this process aims to align government strategies with the needs of León residents.