ChambaMódulo Empowers Job Seekers in León

ChambaMódulo connects job seekers in León with free training and employment opportunities. Over 30,800 individuals have participated in these programs aimed at improving workforce skills and entrepreneurship, addressing ongoing labor challenges.

ChambaMódulo Empowers Job Seekers in León

In León, a program called ChambaMódulo has been implemented, which not only offers free and self-directed courses for job training and self-employment but also serves as a platform to connect job seekers with available job opportunities in the city. More than 30,000 people have participated in these courses focused on work, self-employment, and life skills development.

In addition to ChambaMódulo, the León Academy in Employment and Entrepreneurship (ALEE) has been launched with the aim of strengthening professional skills and promoting entrepreneurship. The main focuses of these initiatives include job skills, employability, self-employment, business development, innovation, and technology.

Despite the efforts made, labor informality and precariousness remain ongoing challenges in the city. As of February 2025, León has recorded $143.8 million in investment, with 16 business projects completed and nearly 3,000 jobs committed. Additionally, three established companies have announced expansion plans, which will lead to more job opportunities.

However, the growth of employment raises questions about the quality of wages, contract stability, and access to benefits for workers. Despite the recovery of more than 30,000 formal jobs in the last three years, León still faces the challenge of improving working conditions for its residents.