Capture of Suspect in León Murder Case

The Attorney General's Office of Guanajuato has apprehended José de Jesús “N”, known as “El Dare”, for his alleged involvement in a murder in León. The suspect reportedly used a firearm to kill one person and injure two others on September 24, 2024. Forensic evidence led to his capture and subsequent indictment for homicide and attempted homicide.

Capture of Suspect in León Murder Case

The Guanajuato Prosecutor's Office announced the capture of José de Jesús "El Dare" for his alleged participation in a murder and the injuries of two people in the Ibarrilla neighborhood of León. On September 24, 2024, "El Dare" shot at a group of people, resulting in one victim dead and two injured who survived. Forensic experts collected evidence at the scene, including ballistic elements analyzed in specialized laboratories.

The Criminal Investigation Agency located the accused, who was arrested with an arrest warrant and presented before a judge. He was linked to criminal proceedings for homicide and attempted homicide, being placed in preventive detention along with Martín Juan De Dios, known as "El Coman" and/or "El Apolo". The forensic analyses established the possible responsibility of "El Dare" in the events.

During the hearing for the formulation of charges, evidence was presented pointing to Orlando Martín "El Dare" as the alleged responsible for the crimes, resulting in his linking to the proceedings for homicide. The investigation conducted by specialized personnel helped clarify the mechanics of the events and bring the alleged perpetrators to justice.