Nuevo León Maintains Sustainable Debt Status for 2024

Nuevo León achieved a sustainable rating for its debt, with financial obligations at 95.3% of its disposable income in Q4 2024. The forecast for 2025 is even lower, with a budget approved by the legislature.

Nuevo León Maintains Sustainable Debt Status for 2024

In 2024, despite not having an approved budget, the state of Nuevo León managed to maintain its 'sustainable' rating in the Alert System of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) for three consecutive years. At the end of the fourth quarter of the year, the debt of the Government of Nuevo León retained its 'green' status. According to the quarterly report of the Alert System of the SHCP, the debt represented 95.3% of its Unrestricted Income (ILD) in the last three months of the year. Over the 12 months of the year, the average percentage will be 89.5%, as detailed in the 2024 Public Account that will soon be presented to the Legislature.

The Secretary of Finance and General Treasurer of the State, Carlos Garza Ibarra, explained that this increase compared to the end of 2023 was due to the lack of budget approval by Congress, which forced the Executive to adjust to a fiscal scheme similar to the previous year and to resort to taking on more short-term debt.

Regarding 2025, it is expected that the risk will be eliminated, given that there is an approved budget by the Legislature and projections from the Ministry of Finance indicate that government debt will reduce to 92.2% of Unrestricted Income by the end of the fiscal year. In 2015, Nuevo León's debt was equivalent to 140.2% of its ILD, showing positive evolution in its financial management.

The Secretary of Finance mentioned that for this year, the Legislature approved the contracting of 8 billion pesos to be fully invested in the construction of Metro Lines 4 and 6, a productive public investment as established in the Financial Discipline Law. The current debt of Nuevo León represents 2.6% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), placing the state as the seventh with the lowest debt nationwide.