Experts Highlight Tourism Potential in Nuevo León

Experts warn that investing in infrastructure could significantly boost Nuevo León's tourism potential. Key challenges include improving road access and security to expand tourism beyond Monterrey.

Experts Highlight Tourism Potential in Nuevo León

The State of Nuevo León faces the challenge of diversifying its tourist appeal to boost its economy. Despite remaining the sixth entity with the highest contribution to the tourist GDP in Mexico, there is a need to invest in key infrastructure to fully capitalize on its potential in this sector.

José Ángel Díaz Rebolledo, Director of the Faculty of Tourism and Gastronomy at Anáhuac Mexico University, emphasized that Monterrey and its surrounding municipalities concentrate most of the tourist activity, leaving the Magic Towns with minimal contribution. He proposes to develop hospitality, vacation centers, and tourist routes in these latter areas to attract both national and foreign tourists and generate greater local and regional well-being.

The lack of infrastructure, such as roads, hotels, and security, limits the expansion of tourism beyond the metropolitan area of Monterrey. The importance of these investments is highlighted to balance economic distribution and enhance wealth throughout the state. Additionally, it is noted that tourism is an industry with a low barrier to entry for entrepreneurs, posing a significant growth opportunity in the region.