During the realization of the IFE Conference 2025 "Driving the Future of Education with Innovation and Technologies", held at Tecnológico de Monterrey, it was announced that the educational institution will promote the adoption of AI in education in universities by creating the Global Network of Education in Artificial Intelligence (AIGEN) and made available to universities TECgpt, its generative artificial intelligence ecosystem.
AIGEN is a community of practice aimed at catalyzing AI applications in universities, facilitating the adoption of AI tools and platforms. According to Michael Fung, executive director of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey, "Think of AIGEN as a network of universities that share a common interest: advancing and adopting AI, so they are not dictating standards, but sharing and creating standards and making recommendations for their adoption."
The network, led by the Living Lab & Data Hub of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey, will work through three pillars: software for the exploration of commercial and open-source AI tools for education; teaching and learning, creating guidelines for the ethical and responsible use of AI, offering training, and redesigning study programs for the future of work; and finally research, collecting usage statistics, assessing impact, creating learning materials, and providing feedback and evaluation of learning.
Fung detailed that AIGEN will conduct a pilot to adopt the platform with TECgpt features in 10 universities, involving 30 professors from each and collecting their experiences and results over a period of 3 to 4 months, which will be presented at the IFE Conference 2026. Among the universities that have joined so far are: National Autonomous University of Mexico, University of Guadalajara, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, University of Cuenca, Austral University, and Autonomous University of Madrid.
Fung highlighted that the goal is to promote collaboration among educational institutions, creating a more inclusive ecosystem that encompasses a greater variety of valuable use cases and fosters the contribution of the brightest talent for the benefit of all.
How did TECgpt come about? Tecnológico de Monterrey launched TECgpt in September 2023, becoming the first university in Latin America to have its own ecosystem to generate solutions based on generative artificial intelligence. Since its launch, more than 14 thousand users have leveraged the developed solutions and more than 81 thousand have done so through the integration of a virtual assistant, TECbot. The platform, hosted on Microsoft Azure and powered by the latest services and models from OpenAI, offers tools with two main functions: administrative and academic.