Health Local February 06, 2025

Last day to obtain assignment certificate

February 14 is the last day to obtain the assignment certificate for the 2025-2026 school year in Nuevo León. Families can consult and download the document online.

Last day to obtain assignment certificate

The last day to obtain the assignment certificate for the 2025-2026 School Year in Nuevo León is February 14, according to the state government information shared through the Secretary of Public Education. This document will be delivered to the mothers, fathers, or guardians of students who were pre-registered from November 1 to 20, 2024, to enter 1st and 2nd grade of preschool, 1st grade of primary school, and 1st grade of secondary school.

The assignment certificate will be sent via email to the address provided during the online pre-registration, and it will also be available for viewing and downloading on the official website. Interested parties can consult and download the document by entering their pre-registration folio, the student’s CURP, and/or the registered email.

For students advancing to the next grade in the same preschool, primary, or secondary school, no additional application is necessary. In case of questions, you can contact the numbers 81 20 20 5083 and 81 2020 50 84 or send an email to

The return to in-person classes in Nuevo León took place on January 23, with more favorable weather conditions after the end-of-year vacation period was extended partly due to low temperatures. Originally scheduled for January 9, the return to classrooms had low participation, with only 5% of students present in the morning shift of Basic Education.