The director of the Air Quality Agency of Nuevo León alerted about the arrival of dust from different areas, a phenomenon that is not exclusive to the region. Armandina Valdez mentioned that this phenomenon occurs in various parts of the world, including the arrival of dust from the Sahara to Mexico.
In the coming days, the metropolitan area of Monterrey could present a gray layer due to the presence of dust from the Coahuila desert and southern Texas. Valdez indicated that windy conditions are expected during Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, which will favor the entry of these dust particles.
The director highlighted that it is essential to take precautions to avoid fires that could worsen air quality in the region. She emphasized the importance of taking the necessary measures and preventing oversights that could lead to situations of poor or very poor air quality.
Although favorable conditions for fires are expected, Valdez explained that the main concern this time is the entry of dust particles in the area. This situation, completely natural, can generate dust in the environment due to the wind that transports particles from different areas, the official alerted.