Miriam Hinojosa Dieck, executive president of the State Institute of Women, led the Feminist Forum: Feminist Artificial Intelligence, aimed at exploring innovative and collaborative strategies to promote the gender equality agenda in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
The event began with a keynote conference titled "Artificial Intelligence and Feminist Innovation Policies: Actions for Substantive Equality," given by Paola Ricaurte and Mariel Zasso, who addressed systemic inequality in governance, ecosystems, and AI systems.
During the forum, the AI Certification by the competency standard of Conocer was presented, led by Guillermina Alvarado, general director. Then a discussion was held on "Intersectionality in AI," where experts such as Sofia Trejo Abad, Luis Octavio Vado, and Deputy Grecia Benavides discussed topics such as bias and racial injustice, gerontocracy, economic gaps in STEM, and gender violence in AI.
The discussion was moderated by local deputy Sandra Pámanes, who recently proposed an initiative to create the Cybersecurity Law. The event emphasized the importance of encouraging more girls to consider engineering as a real option and addressed the reasons behind the wage gap and the inclination towards lower-paid careers in the current context.
The State Government of Nuevo León seeks to integrate an intersectional gender perspective in the development of technologies to contribute to fairer and discrimination-free workplaces. This action is part of the strategies implemented by the State Institute of Women, which include promoting new AI models from a feminist perspective.
Miriam Hinojosa Dieck highlighted that this forum is just the beginning of the efforts intended to be made in this direction, aiming to close wage gaps and promote gender equality in different areas.