Monreal Calls for Unity in Morena Ahead of Elections

Ricardo Monreal emphasizes the need for unity within Morena and discusses budget reallocations to support migrants while campaigning for future elections in Nuevo León.

Monreal Calls for Unity in Morena Ahead of Elections

The Morena coordinator in San Lázaro, Ricardo Monreal, met with local and federal deputies from San Luis, Tamaulipas, and Nuevo León in downtown Monterrey, where he called for unity to capitalize on the governorship in the upcoming elections. Monreal emphasized the importance of maintaining cohesion in the movement and recalled the achievements made by Morena in Nuevo León.

Amid conflicts between the Escobedo Group and senators Waldo Fernández and Judith Díaz, Monreal expressed his concern about divisions within the local Morena caucus. He underlined that unity is essential to ensure the party's success in future elections.

"We must have unity; I have no doubt that Nuevo León has hope of joining the Morena movement... people trust the president, in the movement, and want to see unity," Monreal stressed. He highlighted the importance of avoiding haste and divisions within Morena to maintain public support.

Monreal also addressed the immigration issue, proposing to cut party prerogatives in half and allocate the rest to a federal support program for migrants. Additionally, he called for respect for Samuel García, the governor of Nuevo León, and proposed the possibility of orderly and safe migration.

Regarding a possible alliance with García and aspirations for 2027, Monreal insisted on the strength of Morena as a party and the importance of addressing the immigration situation responsibly. He advocated for an equitable budget and effective collaboration among parties to face this emergency.

In relation to the permanence of Rubén Rocha Moya in the governorship of Sinaloa, Monreal was cautious and highlighted the need to maintain stability in the region. He underscored the importance of respecting democratic processes and supporting communities affected by violence.

In summary, Ricardo Monreal called for unity within Morena and reiterated the importance of working together to achieve the party's goals. He stressed the need to address immigration challenges and maintain a humanitarian approach amid the political and social complexities facing the country.