The governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García, expressed his optimism regarding the future of the state following the approval of the Budget for the current year by the local Congress, as well as the appointment of the new state Attorney General, Javier Flores Saldívar. García highlighted the importance of having a budget that allows for the strengthening of security in the region, declaring that these advances will help make Nuevo León one of the safest states in the country.
"Three even better years are coming; if these three years were good without a budget or an attorney general, now just imagine with a budget, an attorney general, with governability, coordination, and the mayors working with the government. Here, no deputy or governor won; we all stand united for Nuevo León," affirmed Governor García, emphasizing the importance of collaboration among different political actors for the benefit of the state.
Regarding the approved Budget, it was explained that the resources will primarily be allocated to mobility works that had been stalled, with the goal of reactivating strategic projects for the development of Nuevo León. The governor mentioned that this funding will allow for the completion of ongoing public works, especially those related to water supply and improvements in the transport system, including the expansion of the metro with Lines 4 and 6.
"In budgetary matters, I couldn't be happier; after three years, we now have the guarantee of having the resources to finish all the promised and started public works, and those we have not finished can be completed in these three years, especially the water projects and mobility projects, including Lines 4 and 6 of the metro," García detailed.