The governors of the northeast, Samuel García from Nuevo León; Manolo Jiménez from Coahuila; and Américo Villarreal from Tamaulipas, met with their security secretaries and members of the Sedena at the Northwest Museum in Monterrey. The purpose of the meeting was to analyze the results and proposals regarding security jointly.
During the meeting, the progress of the coordination agreement signed by the three states to strengthen security in the bordering area known as La Ribereña was reviewed. Despite improvements being noted, the governor of Nuevo León emphasized the need to reinforce the highways connecting the three entities due to high crime rates in the region.
"We have nearly 70,000 registered crimes in Nuevo León, which keeps us in sixth place nationally for crimes and fifth in homicides," Samuel García stated. It was acknowledged that many of the homicides are due to confrontations between criminal groups from the neighboring state.
In response to the situation, the security secretaries of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas proposed the creation of a regional Operational Intelligence Group to combat organized crime. This intelligence is planned to be used not only for direct combat but also to prevent the strengthening of criminal groups through the recruitment of migrants, especially following the predicted increase in migrant flow due to Donald Trump's victory in the United States elections.
Four months ago, it was agreed to hold such periodic meetings among the three states, and it is expected that they will continue for at least the next three years of Samuel García's administration.