Former Michoacan Officials Face Criminal Charges

Four former officials from Michoacan's government, including the ex-secretary of Finance, are under preventive detention for financial crimes totaling over 4 billion pesos.

Former Michoacan Officials Face Criminal Charges

Four former officials of the Michoacán government during Silvano Aureoles Conejo's term as governor from 2015 to 2021 have been accused of various crimes, including embezzlement, money laundering, organized crime, and fraudulent administration. The accused are Elizabeth Villegas Pineda, Mario Delgado Murillo, Antonio Bernal Bustamante, and Carlos Maldonado Mendoza.

The hearing, which lasted 18 hours, ended with the judge of control at the Federal Criminal Justice Center of Reclusorio Norte, Patricia Sánchez Nava, issuing preventive detention for the four implicated. The precautionary measures indicate that Villegas Pineda and Carlos Maldonado will remain detained in the Santa Martha prison, while Delgado Murillo and Bernal Bustamante will be held in Reclusorio Oriente.

According to the investigation by the Attorney General's Office and the Financial Intelligence Unit, the implicated individuals are charged with misappropriation of resources amounting to four billion pesos, mainly related to the construction of barracks for the state police, contracts that presented multiple irregularities.

Carlos Maldonado Mendoza was arrested upon arriving at Benito Juárez International Airport in Mexico City, while Delgado Murillo was captured at his home in Morelia, and Elizabeth Villegas Pineda was detained in Praderas de Morelia. For his part, former governor Silvano Aureoles is considered a fugitive from justice in connection with this case.