Conflict in Querétaro over Indigenous Trade

The Chamber of Commerce of Querétaro defends municipal authorities in promoting formal trade for artisans, lamenting the exploitation of indigenous women by politicians.

Conflict in Querétaro over Indigenous Trade

The Chamber of Commerce in Querétaro expressed its concern about the use of indigenous women by some political leaders, although it acknowledged that municipal authorities have implemented strategies to create organized sales spaces.

In the midst of the conflict recently triggered by the launch of the Plan Orden, which has resulted in a strong presence of patrols and municipal police in the Historic Center, president Lorena Muñoz Altamira highlighted the need to promote a healthy market and support initiatives that encourage the formal development of the economy in the state.

"It is unacceptable that some political figures are taking advantage of indigenous women for their own interests. However, I believe that the authorities have managed to establish resources to provide an orderly space, especially for artisans, allowing them to sell their products in an organized manner through events that aim to turn it into a relevant tourist destination," she noted.

The Chamber of Commerce emphasized its support for formal, organized trade that complies with local, state, and federal regulations. However, it expressed its concern about the unfair competition represented by informal trade and how this negatively impacts the legitimate growth of businesses.

According to Muñoz Altamira, this type of informal trade offers prices up to 60% lower than formal trade due to non-compliance with rent, taxes, and services payments. In addition, she highlighted the lack of transparency regarding the origin of products and the possible presence of Chinese merchandise presented as local items.

"There is no proper traceability of the merchandise and, frankly, unfortunately, there is no observed social or civic commitment to improve conditions for everyone in general," she added.

Although she did not specifically comment on the participation of municipal police in this matter or on the ongoing investigation by the Human Rights Defense of Querétaro, the stance of the Chamber of Commerce highlights the importance of combating unfair competition and promoting formal and ethical trade at all levels.