Politics Local October 30, 2024

Proposed Constitutional Reform in Querétaro

Local deputy Arturo Maximiliano García proposes a constitutional reform in Querétaro to enforce stricter rules regarding the resignation and re-election of the General Prosecutor. The initiative aims to provide legal clarity and enhance the stability of the state's justice system.

Proposed Constitutional Reform in Querétaro

The local deputy of Morena, Arturo Maximiliano García, presented an initiative to modify the Political Constitution of the Free and Sovereign State of Querétaro. Among the proposed reforms is the prohibition of reelection and the definition of rules for the resignation of officials who hold the positions of attorney general or specialized prosecutor in the fight against corruption.

In the context of this proposal, it is proposed that the position of Attorney General be non-resignable, except in cases of a serious reason that justifies their removal by the local Legislature, according to the provisions of current laws. In the event of absolute absence or resignation, a procedure is established for the substitution of the position for the remaining time of the constitutional period, without the possibility of reelection.

The main objective of these modifications is to avoid situations of uncertainty such as those generated by previous resignations in this position, such as that of former prosecutor Alejandro Echeverría Cornejo. The intention is to strengthen stability and professionalism in the State Attorney General's Office, which plays a crucial role in the justice system of Querétaro.

In the words of deputy García: "An initiative is presented that reforms article 30 bis of the Constitution of the state of Querétaro, where basically three points are established: the first is the non-resignation of the position, the second is the procedure in case of definitive resignation, and the third is the principle of non-reelection." These modifications seek to clarify existing ambiguous interpretations in the current legislation and guarantee the proper functioning of the State Attorney General's Office.