Budget Concerns in Queretaro's Administration

In Queretaro, discussions about budget allocations reveal issues in fiscal management. Concerns arise over the distribution of federal resources, with locals feeling underrepresented despite their significant tax contributions.

Budget Concerns in Queretaro's Administration

A recent study revealed that several federal deputies from Querétaro have a low level of knowledge regarding fiscal matters, which has generated concern and embarrassment. This is relevant since many of them are responsible for discussing and approving the federal budget in their current positions.

Until 1979, states had the authority to collect and manage their own taxes entirely. However, due to the economic disparity between the federal entities in Mexico and to avoid duplicating tax payments, the fiscal pact was established. According to this pact, the federation collects taxes and then transfers resources to the states.

It is important to point out that the resources received by the states, including Querétaro, are not an additional gift granted by the federation, but are generated by the economic growth of the state, which attracts investments, boosts the economy, and increases taxation. That is to say, the resources come from the taxes paid by the citizens of Querétaro.

Contrary to what has been mistakenly spread, Querétaro has not received extra funds from the federation. In fact, in 2023, Querétaro taxpayers contributed around 90 billion pesos to the federal government, but less than half of that amount was returned to them. These resources are allocated for the development of other federal entities and social programs.

The budget of Querétaro grows based on the development of the state and the contribution of its citizens. It is thanks to the daily work of the people of Querétaro, their productivity, and job creation that the quality of life in the region improves. It is essential to demystify the false claims and lack of knowledge of some public figures who, under the pretense of being experts in the matter, distort the fiscal reality of the state.