Restaurants in Querétaro have experienced a decrease of up to 15% in their attendance during the weekend, according to Rosalinda Hernández, president of the National Chamber of Restaurant and Seasoned Foods Industry (Canirac) in the region. This reduction is attributed to diners' fear due to the violent events that occurred last week.
"What we want is for people to also go to our establishments, for people to feel safe because we go out to enjoy, not to experience these events that should not happen here in Querétaro, especially since many of us come from other states where we have already lived through these eventualities, and when we arrive here we feel safe; having these events creates this psychosis and fear that we cannot allow," expressed Hernández.
Following the multiple homicides in Los Cantaritos and Mr. Barbas, which caused insecurity among the population, representatives of established commerce met with state and local authorities to propose a joint strategy to reinforce security measures in restaurants, bars, and nightclubs.
"As the governor said, he cannot feel alone. On the contrary, all business owners are united, especially to help him ensure that these events do not happen again," pointed out Hernández.
Regarding the rigorous inspections that the state government and municipalities will carry out, the restaurant leader showed willingness to collaborate and assured that Canirac supports its members to comply with all necessary requirements to operate.
"All those who affiliate with the chamber we assist with all the management to ensure they meet all guidelines, so they are established restaurants, to comply with all regulations, and to have their licenses properly and in order," she concluded.