The State Peace Network of the State of Querétaro aims to build a social order based on cooperation, trust, and human dignity, overcoming the logic of imposition and conflict. It seeks to work for the change of the current social paradigm towards a new one where hope is a political strategy based on the belief that cooperation and understanding are possible for the construction of a peaceful society.
One of the central elements of this network is the promotion of social and economic justice to reduce disparities that often generate conflicts. It also focuses on strengthening institutions that promote dialogue and cooperation, fostering a culture of encounter among people, cultures, and religions.
The State Peace Network seeks to unite the efforts of individuals, organizations, and institutions for the construction of peace and the reduction of violence in the State of Querétaro. It is inspired by the "Geopolitics of Hope," which considers territorial space as a crucial element in social and political life, promoting a new practice of social work.
In a context where violence, climate crisis, social and economic inequalities are significant challenges, the need for a geopolitics centered on hope and peace becomes fundamental. The network acts as a mediator, promoting peaceful agreements and solutions involving governmental authorities, adopting a strategic perspective in the face of current challenges in Mexico.