Proposal for reform in the Congress of Querétaro

Deputy Arturo Maximiliano García Pérez proposes to reform the local Constitution to expand the power of the Congress in the preparation and approval of the state budget, seeking more transparency and control in the use of public funds.

Proposal for reform in the Congress of Querétaro

The Morena deputy, Arturo Maximiliano García Pérez, has presented an initiative to reform the local Constitution of Querétaro with the aim of giving more power to the state Congress in the preparation and approval of the budget. The proposed reform seeks to modify Article 17 to allow the Legislative Power not only to approve but also to analyze, discuss, and, if necessary, modify the state budget, thus expanding its participation in the management of public resources.

According to García Pérez, the reform will not only update the system but will also guarantee a more equitable and efficient public administration for Querétaro. The deputy emphasizes the importance of active Legislative participation in the allocation of resources to ensure greater transparency and control in the use of public funds.

"This proposal will allow for a thorough analysis and, if necessary, modifications that better respond to the needs of the citizenry," explained the deputy. The aim is to eliminate any discretionary allocation in the Querétaro budget, ensuring that every expense is transparent and justifiable. Furthermore, the possibility of authorizing multi-year expenditures is considered, a tool that would allow for allocating funds for projects that require financial continuity over several fiscal years, especially in areas such as infrastructure.

García Pérez emphasized that these changes will strengthen the relationship between the Executive and the Legislative. He also pointed out that preparations are underway for a possible Morena administration in 2027, where the Congress would play a central role in the configuration of public policies and the management of the state's resources. "This is institutional. We believe that the likelihood of Morena being in government in 2027 is very strong, and that is precisely what we are aiming for," stated the deputy.