The inhabitants of Tultitlán have protested against the name change of their neighborhood to Cuarta Transformación, as well as the modification of 47 street names in the area. The protest includes leaving the toll booth open to allow motorists to pass without paying.
According to residents of the Fimesa I, II, and III neighborhoods in Tultitlán, the street name changes were made without their consent or prior notice. The new names relate to the movement promoted by former President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, his projects, and social programs.
Lawyer Francisco Fuentes reported that the neighbors have obtained a provisional suspension to keep the name Fimesa I instead of Cuarta Transformación. This led residents to plan a demonstration for Friday, February 7, at the Tepotzotlán toll booth as a form of protest.
Francisco Fuentes also mentioned that a letter was submitted to the Congress of the State of Mexico requesting the intervention of the Electoral Institute to conduct elections to decide whether to change the name of the neighborhood or keep it as Cuarta Transformación. So far, the authorities have not responded to this request.