A famous convenience store chain is considering applying for a banking license to expand its financial services; however, a competitor is already approaching. This is the pilot project of Grupo Omni, led by Moisés Chávez, in collaboration with the financial institution Bankaool headed by Juan Antonio Pérez Simón. OmniGas is the project that seeks to turn gas stations into points for conducting banking operations, following the line of OXXO stores that have become payment centers for services such as electricity, gas, and telephony.
According to columnist Jeanette Leyva Reus, the idea is to establish a "bank branch at every gas station," with a wide network of service stations already prepared for it. With this initiative, the attendants will be able to receive deposits and make withdrawals at gas stations instantly. The installation of special ATMs at some stations and the growth of banking presence in branches throughout the country are projected, with an expected investment of more than two billion dollars in technology and expansion in the coming years.
Like OXXO, Bankaool intends for gas stations to act as banking correspondents, allowing users to make cash withdrawals through the attendants from their vehicles. It is expected that the service stations will receive a commission for these transactions, and the project is set to start in the second half of the year with about nine thousand participating stations. According to Leyva Reus, if the Grupo Omni and Bankaool project materializes, it will represent strong competition for OXXO, as the gas stations will have the backing of a bank, offering greater protection for deposits.
On the other hand, OXXO has ventured into digital banking with the Spin by OXXO application, which allows for transfers, deposits, and withdrawals, in addition to offering a debit card backed by VISA and a loyalty program. Grupo Femsa, under the direction of José Antonio Fernández Carbajal, seeks to partner to expand the credit aspect of this business, which has 13.1 million users and has experienced a growth of 32.8%.
Competition in the financial services sector is intensifying, evidenced by the intentions of OXXO and Grupo Omni to expand their operations and consolidate their presence as key players in the market.