Drought Crisis in Northwest Mexico Due to La Niña

La Niña exacerbates drought in Northwest Mexico, impacting agriculture and water scarcity. Experts warn of critical economic consequences as over 53% of the country faces severe drought.

Drought Crisis in Northwest Mexico Due to La Niña

The meteorological phenomenon of La Niña, which affects North America, is having severe repercussions in Mexico according to experts. América Nallely Lutz Ley, professor and researcher at the College of Sonora, explained that climate change is exacerbating this phenomenon, resulting in more intense rains in already humid areas and greater drought in areas that are already dry.

According to the World Meteorological Organization and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society, La Niña began in January in the tropical Pacific Ocean and is expected to continue until April. The lack of preparation to adapt to these conditions by the government, producers, and society in general is a concern for experts.

In Mexico, the drought caused by La Niña is having a significant impact on various economic sectors. The northwest of the country is experiencing drought levels that range from severe to exceptional, which has led to the interruption of planting in thousands of hectares in states like Sonora, known as the "breadbasket of Mexico."

Humberto Borbón Valencia, director of the Río Yaqui Irrigation District, expressed his concern for the situation in the agricultural valleys of Sonora, where thousands of hectares of crops have ceased to be planted due to the drought. Local producers are facing economic difficulties and are forced to reduce their livestock due to the lack of water, which is generating a crisis in the livestock sector.

Experts have warned that the drought in Mexico, which affects more than 53% of the country, will be exacerbated by La Niña, creating greater water scarcity in some regions and exceptional rainfall in others. Climate change is altering the natural patterns of the land, directly affecting the availability of water and agricultural production in the country. The effects of this situation are alarming and require urgent measures for mitigation.