Minister Lenia Batres left the session of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, which caused the body to lack a quorum to hold a session. Batres informed via Twitter that since the previous private session, she intended to declare herself "unable to know and vote on the review of amparo 492/2023" regarding the powers of the Financial Intelligence Unit to require banking information from businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego.
In her statements, the minister accused her fellow ministers of acting under illegitimate interests and denounced an act of submission and complicity of the jurisdictional body to the powerful. Due to the lack of quorum, Minister Javier Laynez, president of the Second Chamber, was forced to adjourn the session and call for a next meeting to discuss pending matters.
The impediment presented by the owner of Grupo Salinas was approved unanimously. Ministers Yasmín Esquivel Mossa, Javier Laynez Potisek, Alberto Pérez Dayán, and Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo voted in favor, while Batres could not participate in the vote. Yasmín Esquivel leads the preferences in a survey by El Financiero.
In response, businessman Ricardo Salinas Pliego celebrated the decision of his fellow ministers to approve Batres' impediment. He stated that the minister would not judge any issue related to him with objectivity due to her personal and political interests. Subsequently, Batres expressed on her social networks that she would step back in response to what she considered a violation of the Internal Regulations of the SCJN.