Federal deputies from the PAN criticized President Sheinbaum in a public statement for her actions regarding Judge Nancy Juárez Salas, accusing her of exercising intimidation, pressure, and institutional violence by ordering the repeal of the decree on judicial reform. It is questioned whether the motto "we all arrived" is truly being upheld. There are expectations that there will be no conflict between the Secretary of Government and the members of Morena.
The Secretary of Government offered to mediate the conflict between the judge and President Sheinbaum to prevent further violent incidents. This came after the Morena mayor and a senator distanced themselves from the violent events that occurred in the port. A response is awaited from the president councilor of the INE, Guadalupe Taddei, regarding a gift given by Morena and allies in the Legislative that generated criticism.
Although the judge is fulfilling her duties, the President's actions are considered a setback for justice, gender equality, and women's rights. The conflict at the Cruz Azul Cooperative in Tula remains unresolved, with the governor of Hidalgo seemingly staying on the sidelines.
The head of Morena in San Lázaro has shown indifference to the criticisms and suspensions presented against the judicial reform, considering them legal tricks. The Senate will hold an open parliament with civil organizations ahead of the hearings for candidates to lead the CNDH. Santiago Aguirre, director of the ProDH Center, will be one of the candidates.
Finally, amidst the Day of the Dead season, Senator Claudia Anaya posed a question about who will take responsibility for security in Acapulco given the appearance of wandering souls.