Armed Attack in Celaya Leaves Three Dead

A violent attack at the "Capilano" restaurant-bar in Celaya resulted in the deaths of three individuals, including a municipal public servant. Witnesses report several armed assailants entered and opened fire at patrons before escaping. Victims were treated at the scene, but one victim succumbed to injuries shortly after.

Armed Attack in Celaya Leaves Three Dead

An armed attack took place on Wednesday at the "Capilano" restaurant-bar in Celaya, Guanajuato, leaving three people dead, including a municipal public servant. According to witnesses, several armed individuals entered the establishment around 4:00 PM and fired at a group of people at one of the tables. The assailants escaped on motorcycles after the incident, while local authorities and the National Guard arrived at the scene to cordon off the area and attend to the victims.

The victim identified as a public servant was Miguel Santoyo Niño, who worked as a paramedic in the Guanajuato State Emergency System and in the Celaya Municipal Police. Miguel, brother of the head of Civil Protection of the municipality, died while receiving medical attention. The Secretariat of Citizen Security of Celaya confirmed the tragic loss, stating that the victim was one of the institution's collaborators.

Local media reported that another of the deceased in the attack was the son of the establishment's owner, but the identity of the third victim is still unknown. Prior to this event, another attack in the La Resurrección neighborhood in Celaya left one person dead. Two individuals on a motorcycle shot at the passenger of a white automobile, resulting in their death. The driver of the vehicle sustained injuries but managed to get out in search of medical attention.

The Secretariat of Citizen Security of Celaya strongly condemned and rejected these acts of violence against unarmed civilians. They committed to collaborate with state and federal authorities to identify those responsible and bring them to justice.