Deputy Sandra Alicia Pedroza Orozco presented a reform proposal that would guarantee a significant salary increase for essential workers in Guanajuato. Currently, these workers, such as teachers, police officers, doctors, and nurses, have low wages that hinder their quality of life. Pedroza Orozco emphasized the importance of dignifying the working conditions of these historically marginalized sectors.
The reform, supported by the majority of local legislatures, is still awaiting constitutional declaration by the Senate of the Republic. This delay has raised concerns regarding the precarious salaries of essential workers, whose monthly incomes range between 7,750 and 9,340 pesos.
"This is about labor justice and dignifying their living conditions," declared Deputy Pedroza Orozco, urging the Senate and its president, Gerardo Fernández Noroña, to act immediately to make the reform effective.
Additionally, deputies like Roberto Carlos Terán Ramos and David Martínez Mendizábal supported the proposal, highlighting the importance of ensuring a dignified income for those who safeguard security, education, and health in the country. Martínez Mendizábal recalled that the reform was initiated by former president Andrés Manuel López Obrador and seeks an annual minimum wage increase above inflation.
In this sense, the Morena bench in Guanajuato seeks to pressure the Senate so that the reform does not become forgotten, warning about the consequences of not acting promptly on this matter. The resolution was unanimously approved in the state Congress, reflecting the consensus of all political forces on the urgency and relevance of this measure.