In Guanajuato, the mayor announced that she will not allow the peace of the city to be disturbed, which was confirmed after a fight between two musical groups in a crowded area. The mayor expressed her outrage and stated that the oversight department and the prosecutor's office will handle the case.
The dispute between a mariachi group and another northern group, which began as a musical competition in the Jardín de la Unión, soon turned into a physical confrontation with shoving and punches. Despite the intervention of local authorities, no arrests were made, but the incident went viral on social media.
Municipal authorities reported that the altercation will be investigated, and in the meantime, both Mariachi Consentido and Fantasía Musical, the groups involved, will have their permits to play in the city suspended. The mayor expressed her concern about what happened and ordered the indefinite suspension of the permits for both musical groups.
"We have instructed the Oversight Department to immediately and indefinitely suspend the permits of the two musical groups that faced off in the Jardín de la Unión," stated Mayor Samantha Smith, reaffirming her commitment to maintaining tranquility in Guanajuato and protecting its residents and visitors.