Guanajuato Takes Strides Against Tobacco and Vaping

Guanajuato enforces strict regulations on traditional cigarettes and vaping devices, aiming for 100% smoke-free workplaces. Companies are promoting health through continuous training on the harmful effects of tobacco.

Guanajuato Takes Strides Against Tobacco and Vaping

In Guanajuato, the fight has intensified not only against traditional cigarettes but also against vapers and electronic cigarettes, devices that have gained popularity and now face strict regulation. So far, 15 companies in the state have initiated the process to obtain certification as 100% Smoke-Free Tobacco and Emissions Spaces, in accordance with the General Law for the Control of Tobacco and its 2022 reform.

Since the official ban on the sale of these products in Mexico, more than 121,000 units have been confiscated in nationwide operations, and 183 establishments have been sanctioned for illegal distribution. Companies like Grupo BASE, based in Valtierrilla, have strengthened their awareness programs, providing frequent training to their employees about the harmful effects of tobacco and vapers in order to completely eradicate their consumption in the workplace.

A relevant topic in this fight is the debate surrounding the consumption of vapers. Despite being presented as a less harmful alternative to traditional cigarettes, studies have shown that they contain toxic substances that can trigger respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Passive exposure to these emissions in enclosed spaces can also affect the health of non-smoking workers, becoming a public health issue.

With the certification of more smoke and emissions-free spaces, Guanajuato stands out as a state committed to occupational health and the prevention of diseases associated with tobacco and vapers. It is expected that more companies will join this effort in the coming months, establishing safe working environments and promoting a culture of well-being for all employees.

These actions aim not only to prohibit smoking in workplaces but also to prevent the use of vapers, whose marketing was banned at the federal level in 2023. The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) has strengthened monitoring of these devices, as part of Guanajuato's strategy to eradicate tobacco consumption in public and work spaces.